
High-temperature tons of bag handling should pay attention to what

  Now we use the high-temperature tons of bags is a lot, in the use of great help to us. But I believe that many of us on the high-temperature tons of bags do not know much, just some of the surface of understanding, not deep enough. In the use of time need to pay attention to some problems, and to pay attention to. So the use of high-temperature tons of bags need to pay attention to what? Now we have to introduce high-temperature tons of bag loading and unloading is what should be noted, We will make a detailed introduction for you in the following article, suggest that you come with us to understand.

  1, in the lifting operation, do not stand in the container below.

  2, please hang hanging hook hanging in the middle of the Sling or Sling, do not oblique hanging, single-sided hanging or cable-hanging container bag.

  3, do not work with other items friction, hook or collision container bag.

  4, do not pull the sling to the outside reverse.

  5, container bag when using the forklift operation, please do not make contact with the fork or tie to the bag body, to prevent breaking the container bag.

  6, in the workshop handling, try to use the tray, avoid hanging hook with container bag, side shaking side handling.

High-temperature tons bag

  The above six points to introduce the high-temperature tons of bag handling should pay attention to some of the problems. For the handling of high-temperature tons of bags most people are still relatively strange, but if there is a need to use, then we still need some detailed understanding, one is to be able to help you choose, two is to learn to use, pay attention to some problems in use, the correct use. If you want to understand the price of high-temperature ton bags, then you can contact us for communication, we welcome everyone to consult.

